All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base implementation of FormatterService for CSS formatters.
Abstract Eclipse formatter implementation of the AbstractFormatJob as a base class for any type of Eclipse Formatter.
Abstract base implementation of a FormatJob which is called by the FormatterService where this implementation belongs to.
RuntimeException which is used as a break condition inside a Iterable.forEach(java.util.function.Consumer).
Abstract base implementation of FormatterOptionsPanel.
Abstract base implementation of FormatterService for HTML formatters.
Abstract base implementation of FormatterService for Java formatters.
Abstract base implementation of FormatterService for javascript formatters.
Abstract base implementation of FormatterService for Json formatters.
Abstract base implementation of FormatterService for XML formatters.
RuntimeException which is thrown when a configuration file could not be parsed or even loaded.
This class reads a config file for Eclipse code formatter.
An exception thrown when there is an error reading settings from the code formatter profile of an Eclipse formatter config file.
CssParser implementation of the AbstractCssFormatterService.
Utility class for CssParser formatter specific settings.
Delegation class to the CssParser formatter implementation.
DBeaver SQL formatter implementation of the FormatterService.
Utility class for DBeaver SQL formatter specific settings.
Delegation class to the DBeaver SQL formatter implementation.
Implementation based on NetBeans' org.netbeans.modules.diff.builtin.provider.HuntDiff but without options, it always takes whitespaces into account.
Class used for parsing an Eclipse code formatter configuration.
Class used for parsing an Eclipse code formatter configuration.
Eclipse implementation of the AbstractJavaFormatterService.
Utility class for Eclipse specific settings.
Wrapper class to the Eclipse formatter implementation.
Eclipse implementation of the AbstractJavascriptFormatterService.
Utility class for Eclipse specific settings.
Wrapper class to the Eclipse formatter implementation.
Copied from private NetBeans classes FmtOptions and SimpleValueNames.
Implementation of the CodeStylePreferences.Provider to provide custom properties to the NetBeans editor.
ProjectCustomizer.CompositeCategoryProvider implementation for project specific external formatting properties tab provider.
Custom implementation of the IndentTask.Factory which delegates the indenting tasks to the configured external formatter or to the internal NetBeans formatter.
The options panel for this plugin.
Holder of a ChangeSupport to fire and listen on property changes.
Custom implementation of the ReformatTask.Factory which delegates the formatting tasks to the configured external formatter or to the internal NetBeans formatter.
Service interface for external formatter implementations.
Singleton delegation class for calling the activated external formatter, if no external formatter is activated nothing will be done by this implementation.
RuntimeException which is thrown when an external formatter failed to format a given code.
Google implementation of the AbstractJavaFormatterService.
Utility class for Google Java formatter specific settings.
Delegation class to the Google formatter implementation.
Interface for holding application icons.
Jackson Json implementation of the AbstractJsonFormatterService.
Utility class for Jackson Json formatter specific settings.
Wrapper class to the formatter implementation.
BaseAction for fixing imports which overrides the NetBeans original action.
BaseAction for organizing imports which overrides the NetBeans original action.
Jsoup XML implementation of the AbstractXmlFormatterService.
Utility class for Jsoup HTML formatter specific settings.
Wrapper class to the Jsoup formatter implementation.
Jsoup XML implementation of the AbstractXmlFormatterService.
Utility class for Jsoup XML formatter specific settings.
Wrapper class to the Jsoup formatter implementation.
JSQLFormatter implementation of the FormatterService.
Delegation class to the JSQLFormatter implementation.
Enum describing the supported mime types for external formatters.
Palantir implementation of the AbstractJavaFormatterService.
Utility class for Palantir Java formatter specific settings.
Delegation class to the Palantir formatter implementation.
RuntimeException which is thrown when a given profile name could not be found in a formatter configuration.
VerifiableConfigPanel JPanel implementation for project specific external formatting properties panel. XML implementation of the AbstractXmlFormatterService.
Utility class for XML formatter specific settings.
Wrapper class to the formatter implementation.
Settings utility class.
Spring implementation of the AbstractJavaFormatterService.
Utility class for Spring Java formatter specific settings.
Delegation class to the Spring formatter implementation.
Vertical Blank SQL formatter implementation of the FormatterService.
Utility class for Vertical Blank SQL formatter specific settings.
Delegation class to the Vertical Blank SQL formatter implementation.
Custom implementation of the IndentTask.Factory which delegates the indenting tasks to the configured external formatter or to the internal NetBeans formatter.
Interface to define a verifiable configuration panel.
A parser for Workspace Mechanic configuration files.