Release 1.13.0 – 2020-01-09
Type |
Changes |
By |
Added Google Formatter |
bahlef |
Renamed the project from "Eclipse Java Code Formatter for NetBeans" to "External Java Code Formatters for NetBeans" because of adding Google Code Formatter |
bahlef |
Support for guarded documents (documents that are created by the NetBeans GUI builder, guarded blocks are skipped of course, but everything in between can be formatted), ONLY SUPPORTED FOR ECLIPSE JAVA CODE FORMATTER!. Fixes 17. |
bahlef |
Switched from ANT to Maven project. Fixes 81. |
bahlef |
Added editor context menu action |
bahlef |
Added support for project specific formatter settings for Gradle projects (and also other Java project types). Fixes 95. |
bahlef |
Unit test added to check @formatter:on/off feature of Eclipse formatter. Fixes 94. |
bahlef |
The vertical red line in the editor is now placed according to the line wrap of the configuration of your external formatter. It is also possible to set a flag to use
other UI related properties of the external formatter configuration for indentation in the NetBeans editor and if you do you can also override the tab size with your
prefered setting. Fixes 82. |
bahlef |
Got rid of additional XML libraries and using NetBeans internal classes (XMLUtil) now instead. Fixes 32. |
bahlef |
Release 1.10.2 – 2016-02-29
Type |
Changes |
By |
Support Workspace Mechanic ( configuration file (*.epf). Fixes 61. |
markiewb |
Support configuration via <projectdir>/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs or absolute path to org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs. Fixes 67. |
markiewb |
Reduce download size by 77% by repacking jars with pack200. Fixes 68. |
markiewb |
On save action: Introduced option for formatting only the changed lines. Fixes 70. |
markiewb |
Support configuration of linefeed. Fixes 71. |
markiewb |
Support configuration of source level. Fixes 23. |
markiewb |
Fallback to NB formatter, if file isn't a java file. Fixes 37. |
markiewb |
Selection in undocked windows is not respected, when called via keyboard. Fixes 73. |
markiewb |
Release 1.4 – 2013-10-03
Type |
Changes |
By |
Compile against NB 7.3. Fixes 22. |
markiewb |
Choose a license, which is compatible to the embedded libs. Fixes 16. |
markiewb |
Compatibility to JDK6. Fixes 14. |
markiewb |
Add action "Format with Eclipse Formatter". Fixes 13. |
markiewb |
After saving the caret is always placed at the end of the file. Fixes 11. |
markiewb |
Preview panel in options isn't aware to dark themes LAF. Fixes 10. |
markiewb |
Simplify org.netbeans.eclipse.formatter.ReformatWithEclipseBeforeSaveTask.isJava(). Fixes 9. |
markiewb |
Make formatting "on save" optional. Fixes 8. |
markiewb |
Use standard border for options/project settings. Fixes 5. |
markiewb |
Missing XML syntax highlighting in options/project settings. Fixes 3. |
markiewb |
Missing mnemonics in options dialog/project settings. Fixes 2. |
markiewb |
NPE when Format action is invoked but no java document has the focus. Fixes 1. |
markiewb |